Consults & Assessments
Mindful Pup offers private consults and assessments to evaluate any concerning or unwanted behavior your dog may be displaying. During a consult, we will observe your dog, listen to your concerns and answer your questions. A written summary of the visit with our observations and personalized training recommendations will be sent to you. I have experience with a wide variety of breeds and extensive experience with breeds that are often described as willful, stubborn, or independent. I also specialize in dogs who are fearful, shy and under socialized. Consults are charged by the session and may run well past 1 hour in duration. Session fee: $125.00

Consults & Assessments
Mindful Pup offers private consults and assessments to evaluate any concerning or unwanted behavior your dog may be displaying. During a consult, we will observe your dog, listen to your concerns and answer your questions. A written summary of the visit with our observations and personalized training recommendations will be sent to you. I have experience with a wide variety of breeds and extensive experience with breeds that are often described as willful, stubborn, or independent. I also specialize in dogs who are fearful, shy and under socialized. Consults are charged by the session and may run well past 1 hour in duration. Session fee: $125.00
A private consult is the first step to addressing unwanted behaviors, such as:
Leash Reactivity
A reactive dog is one who displays inappropriate behavior (most commonly barking and lunging) towards dogs, people, or other triggers. The most common form of reactivity is leash reactivity, where the dog is only reactive while leashed.
Resource Guarding
Dogs that snarl, growl, snap, or worse, towards humans or other dogs while in possession of something they deem valuable (e.g. food, toys, bones, couches, beds, or even certain people) are guarding a resource against being taken.
Dogs' inability to think about or control their emotional responses means their behavior isn't always going to be rational. An anxious dog reacts fearfully (most commonly attempts at flight) to loud sounds, foreign environments, novel items, and/or new people.
House Soiling
Teaching your dog to potty at the right time and place is one of the most important acts you can take towards a long, happy life together. House soiling is among the top reasons why dogs lose their homes or end up in shelters.
Inappropriate Barking
This could be nuisance barking (e.g. barking due to boredom or barking at something on the TV), alert barking (e.g. barking when someone approaches your home or rings the doorbell), or demand barking (e.g. barking for attention or for you to toss a ball).
Chewing & Destructive Behavior
While chewing behavior is normal, dogs may sometimes direct their chewing behavior toward inappropriate items. But just providing the right things to chew sometimes isn’t enough to prevent inappropriate or exploratory chewing.
Stranger Fear Aggression
Fear is the most common cause for aggression in dogs. In situations where a dog is trapped and cannot flee from the approach of a stranger (e.g. in home or on leash), they may decide to fight or demonstrate aggressive behavior in an effort to scare off the percieved threat and create distance.
Teaching dogs to accept handling is a crucial so that you'll be able to comfortably administer medicine, groom, transport and allow for veterinary examination. Accepting handling is natural for most young puppies, however as they mature, some dogs learn to take exception to being touched.
Jumping usually worsens because our first inclination can have the opposite effect of making the dog jump more or even harder (negative attention is still attention, so looking at them, telling them “No,” shoving them away, etc. reinforces the behavior because they're receiving attention).
A private consult is the first step to addressing unwanted behaviors, such as:
Leash Reactivity
A reactive dog is one who displays inappropriate behavior (most commonly barking and lunging) towards dogs, people, or other triggers. The most common form of reactivity is leash reactivity, where the dog is only reactive while leashed.
Resource Guarding
Dogs that snarl, growl, snap, or worse, towards humans or other dogs while in possession of something they deem valuable (e.g. food, toys, bones, couches, beds, or even certain people) are guarding a resource against being taken.
Dogs' inability to think about or control their emotional responses means their behavior isn't always going to be rational. An anxious dog reacts fearfully (most commonly attempts at flight) to loud sounds, foreign environments, novel items, and/or new people.
House Soiling
Teaching your dog to potty at the right time and place is one of the most important acts you can take towards a long, happy life together. House soiling is among the top reasons why dogs lose their homes or end up in shelters.
Inappropriate Barking
This could be nuisance barking (e.g. barking due to boredom or barking at something on the TV), alert barking (e.g. barking when someone approaches your home or rings the doorbell), or demand barking (e.g. barking for attention or for you to toss a ball).
Chewing & Destructive Behavior
While chewing behavior is normal, dogs may sometimes direct their chewing behavior toward inappropriate items. But just providing the right things to chew sometimes isn’t enough to prevent inappropriate or exploratory chewing.
Stranger Fear Aggression
Fear is the most common cause for aggression in dogs. In situations where a dog is trapped and cannot flee from the approach of a stranger (e.g. in home or on leash), they may decide to fight or demonstrate aggressive behavior in an effort to scare off the percieved threat and create distance.
Teaching dogs to accept handling is a crucial so that you'll be able to comfortably administer medicine, groom, transport and allow for veterinary examination. Accepting handling is natural for most young puppies, however as they mature, some dogs learn to take exception to being touched.
Jumping usually worsens because our first inclination can have the opposite effect of making the dog jump more or even harder (negative attention is still attention, so looking at them, telling them “No,” shoving them away, etc. reinforces the behavior because they're receiving attention).
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Private Training
We teach you how to teach your dog!
Mindful Pup can help you communicate with your dog more effectively, and therefore train more efficiently. During your sessions, you will receive easy to follow, hands-on instruction that is dog and people friendly. You can expect your sessions to be dynamic, educational and engaging as we encourage everyone in the household to participate in the session and the training of your dog. Sessions are 1 hour long and include: homework, session write up or video, 1 month email & phone follow up.
We offer the following training packages for your convenience, but custom training sessions designed to suit your needs is also an option.

Private Training
We teach you how to teach your dog!
Mindful Pup can help you communicate with your dog more effectively, and therefore train more efficiently. During your sessions, you will receive easy to follow, hands-on instruction that is dog and people friendly. You can expect your sessions to be dynamic, educational and engaging as we encourage everyone in the household to participate in the session and the training of your dog. Sessions are 1 hour long and include: homework, session write up or video, 1 month email & phone follow up.
We offer the following training packages for your convenience, but custom training sessions designed to suit your needs is also an option.
Certified Trainer + You + Your Dog
1 Session
2 Sessions
4 Sessions
Basic Obedience I
- 4 Sessions -
- Fundamentals of positive reinforcement
- How to train with a clicker
- Sit, down, stay, go to your mat, leave it
- Beginner recall
- Fundamentals of loose leash walking
Basic Obedience II
- 4 Sessions -
- Proofing & strengthening Basic Obedience I skills by adding Duration, Distance and Distraction
- Polite greeting
- Intro to Canine Good Citizen skills
Come When Called
- 2 Sessions -
- Do's and don'ts
- Adding distractions and distance
- Increasing frequency of check-ins
- Encouraging your dog to keep a tighter orbit around you
Leash Skills
- 4 Sessions -
- Walking politely on a loose leash
- Passing strangers and other dogs calmly
- Waiting at curb before crossing
- Combating "sidewalk surfing" (darting back and forth in search of things to ingest)
- Fun games to improve engagement during walks
Certified Trainer
+ You
+ Your Dog
1 Session - $125
2 Sessions - $200
4 Sessions - $380
Basic Obedience I
- 4 Sessions -
- Fundamentals of positive reinforcement
- How to train with a clicker
- Sit, down, stay, go to your mat, leave it
- Beginner recall
- Fundamentals of loose leash walking
Basic Obedience II
- 4 Sessions -
- Adding Duration, Distance and Distraction
- Polite greetings (Dog & People)
- Intro to AKC Canine Good Citizen skills
Leash Skills
- 4 Sessions -
- Walking politely on a loose leash
- Passing strangers and other dogs calmly
- Waiting at curb before crossing
- Combating "sidewalk surfing"
- Improving engagement during walks
Come When Called
- 2 Sessions -
- Do's and don'ts
- Adding distractions and distance
- Increasing frequency of check-ins
- Encouraging a tighter orbit around you
Call or Text (415) 741-0413 Send An Email
Call or Text (415) 741-0413 Send An Email

Day Training
We teach your dog for you!
Mindful Pup offers day training as a convenient option for dog owners with a busy schedule. We will come to your home to discuss your training needs and goals. We will discuss exactly how we will proceed with your dog, and provide you with videos of the training sessions. When the training is complete, we will schedule a hand-off session with you so we can teach you how to elicit and maintain the behaviors we taught your dog.
Sessions are 1 hour long and includes hand-off session and a final write up of the behaviors taught.

Day Training
We teach your dog for you!
Mindful Pup offers day training as a convenient option for dog owners with a busy schedule. We will come to your home to discuss your training needs and goals. We will discuss exactly how we will proceed with your dog, and provide you with videos of the training sessions. When the training is complete, we will schedule a hand-off session with you so we can teach you how to elicit and maintain the behaviors we taught your dog.
Sessions are 1 hour long and includes hand-off session and a final write up of the behaviors taught.
Certified Trainer + Your Dog
Certified Trainer
+ Your Dog
1 Session
2 Sessions
4 Sessions
8 Week Program
5 Days/week - $3,200
3 Days/week - $2,160
4 Week Program
5 Days/week - $1,740
3 Days/week - $1,104
2 Week Program
5 Days/week - $910
3 Days/week - $570
1 Session - $125
2 Sessions - $200
4 Sessions - $380
2 Week Program
5 Days/week - $910
3 Days/week - $570
4 Week Program
5 Days/week - $1,740
3 Days/week - $1,104
8 Week Program
5 Days/week - $3,200
3 Days/week - $2,160
Call or Text (415) 741-0413 Send An Email
Call or Text (415) 741-0413 Send An Email